
Tuesday 24 June 2014

#Recipe Of The Day

                               One of my bird boxes currently housing baby great tits

I wrote recently about Sophie Thompson, see post: 'Childhood Treats.' Currently taking part in celebrity Masterchef, Sophie is part of a famous extended family which includes actress Emma and her husband Greg Wise.

Emma and Greg have one of the strongest marriages in showbusiness and having read a recent interview given by Greg I can see why. Greg says he doesn't idolise 'material things' which in today's society is quite a profound statement. 'I'm more interested in experience because every new experience stays with you' he says, 'It's like presents. Don't give me a thing, give me a happening.'

Talking about the dynamics of his family he says 'None of us watches TV at home. We got out of the habit and life oozed into that space.' Emma, Sophie and their mother Phyllida Law live in the same street along with Greg's sister Clare and invariably they spend their evenings together. 'Generally there's up to eight of us dining together every night. Then we talk and go through our day, by which time it's washing up and then bed. That's where real life lives-around the hearth and the cooker.'

Given that many families can barely tear themselves away from their smartphones long enough to eat their microwaved meals, I find Greg's values endearing and inspiring. He says 'No one has the Hello! magazine life.' Unfortunately many people do aspire to that life, a life of possessions, the big house, the ostentatious Greg says 'We put pressure on ourselves to achieve, we're fixated on leaving a legacy, but possessions gather dust, everything is transient, apart from memories.'

I made a decision one year ago to end my career in education and to spend my time doing the things I love, writing, cooking and spending more time with friends and family, however, I have had to make financial sacrifices. At first I thought this would be impossible, I now realise that I spent most of my income on a revolving door of things, as one lot of shoes, dresses, bags and household items came through the door a charity bag full of the same went out. And don't get me started on the hundreds of pounds I spent on anti-ageing products, miraculously, having de stressed my life has taken years off me, something no amount of creams and potions possibly could have! The more I earned the more I spent, having extricated myself from that vicious circle has been quite liberating.

I have spent many hours enjoying my garden and have already seen one family of great tits fledge from my bird box, such a simple thing but one which has given me great joy. Whilst working, my garden was more of a chore than a place of tranquillity, likewise cooking and even keeping up with friends left me frazzled.

I appreciate not everyone can throw in the towel and leave their jobs, however, I do believe people live beyond their means, in my childhood this was called 'Keeping up with the Joneses' an idiom referring to one's neighbour as a benchmark for social caste. Society still dictates that to fail in the accumulation of material goods is perceived in some circles as a cultural inferiority.

I find myself doing a lot more entertaining now although I have far less money to spend on food. However, I haven't compromised on good ingredients I just manage them differently. This next dish is fundamentally a peasant dish, chicken chasseur, otherwise known as hunter's chicken originated from a recipe using game birds and mushrooms from the woods. For a quick and economical version of this dish I use free range chicken thighs and frozen mixed vegetables which are great value and nutritious.

Easy chicken chasseur

Serves 4
6 free range chicken thighs fillets
1 bag frozen mixed vegetables
2 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
Half a bottle red wine
1 teaspoon oil
25g butter
2 tablespoons tomato puree
1 cup of stock
Salt and pepper

Heat butter and oil in a large lidded pan
Season chicken and fry for 5 minutes each side

Pour in wine, rapidly boil down until it becomes syrupy

In a jug combine stock with tomato puree, add to pan

Add garlic and vegetables, cover with lid and simmer for 30 minutes

Additionally you can add a sprig of fresh rosemary or some fresh thyme leaves or even a handful of dried herbs de provence to enhance the flavours further
Serve on a bed of creamy mash

This was a simple, economical and thoroughly nutritious meal which I would happily serve at a dinner party or as a easy mid week meal.

                                    'I say, if your knees aren't green by the end of the day
                                    you should seriously re-examine your life.'
                                    -Bill Watterson

'The only difference between being in a rut or a grave are the dimensions.'
-Ellen Glasgow

Love Donna xxxxxxx

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