
Wednesday 4 June 2014

Living In A Material World

                        Nina Morton-Brook author of The Adventures of a Cancer Maverick

I read an interesting article recently regarding why we succumb to colds and illness when we're on holiday. Researchers have found that one person in 30 becomes ill-with a variety of different complaints-as soon as they stop working and try to relax; a phenomenon sometimes referred to as leisure sickness.

I can totally relate to this, when I was working in education, whenever we broke up from school, I and several of my colleagues would spend our holidays nursing a cold or some other ailment.

The theory is that while we are at work our body is constantly producing stress hormones such as adrenaline, which may ward off infection while we battle with the demands of our busy lives-this is our fight or flight response to stressful situations.

However, the minute we start to relax, our body finally gives into the build up of stress, lowering immunity and making us more susceptible to bugs or infections.

But why are we such a highly stressed society? Compared with the 1950s we have twice as many cars per person, eat out twice as often and have endless other commodities!

Research suggests that whilst today's young adults have grown up with much more affluence they are less happy and at much greater risk from depression than past generations.

Our society focuses on possessions, image and status, we push ourselves to work longer hours because we are constantly chasing material wealth. This in turn promotes unhappiness because it takes us away from the things that nurture happiness, including relationships and quality time spent with family and friends. Research has shown that the least materialistic people report the most life satisfaction.

Blogger Nina Morton-Brook (,) has terminal cancer, she has recently written a book: The Adventures of a Cancer Maverick, a truly inspirational story written in a no-nonsense, humorous style. The message is clear, make the most of life! Keep work in perspective, it pays the bills and can be satisfying, but it can never make you as happy as spending time with those you love. Seek happiness in small things everyday, listening to your favourite music, baking with your children, taking a bubble bath, and slow down, we're so busy rushing around that we forget to enjoy 'the beauty of life.'

A couple of days ago a friend asked me if I could look after her little boy for a couple of hours, when they arrived my friend said he would be no trouble as he had his tablet, which apparently keeps him amused for hours! No sooner had mum left than I suggested we bake a cake, he was delighted. We had lots of fun and made lots of mess, the cake in question was very experimental, Louis wanted to add fruit and a bashed up crunchie to the cake and then top it with chocolate buttons. Not the healthiest or most conventional of cakes, it was however, delicious!

Chocolate tray bake

50g cocoa powder
6 tablespoons boiling water
100g soft butter
275g caster sugar
3 free range eggs
125ml milk
175g self raising flour
1 small cup of mixed fruit
1 crunchie bar

Preheat oven 180c-gas 4
Put cocoa in a large bowl, add boiling water and mix until smooth

Add remaining ingredients and mix until combined

Pour into a shallow baking tin and spread mix evenly

Bake for 30 minutes or until risen and firm to the touch, leave to cool for 15 minutes

Chocolate icing

300g icing sugar
100g soft butter
40g cocoa powder
40ml milk
Beat the icing sugar, butter and cocoa until the mixture comes together
Add the milk gradually and beat until smooth and glossy

Spread icing over the cake and decorate with sprinkles or buttons

And enjoy! (Have plenty of napkins at the ready)

'We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.'
-Bill Watterson

'What you have to how you want your life to be. If your forever was ending tomorrow, would this be how you'd want to have spent it?'
-Sarah Dessen

Love Donna xxxxx

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