
Thursday 12 June 2014

Isle Of Wight

                                           The stunning views across the solent

Yesterday my friend Gill and I spent the day on the Isle of Wight. Gill has a particular affinity with the island having spent many happy childhood holidays there. The island is the largest in England and is roughly 3 to 5 miles off the coast of Hampshire, seperated from mainland UK by a strait called the solent.

                                                 Approaching the Isle of Wight

Home to poets and artists and to Queen Victoria, who built her beloved summer residence and final home Osborne House, the island has several resorts which have been holiday destinations since Victorian times. When I was in junior school we spent a week on a school trip on the island, for me going across the water felt like going abroad, I loved Osborne house and developed a keen interest in Queen Victoria.

                                            Pulling into the harbour at Yarmouth

Yarmouth is a quintessential English town, bustling with an active community it boasts a varied range of quirky little shops and delightful eating establishments

                                     Higgledy piggledy streets with quirky shops

                                    Blossoms a beautiful florist and craft shop

                                                                The square

Yarmouth also boasts beautiful properties, prime waterfront homes, character cottages and colonial style houses, it is a beautiful location and is deemed the finest marine location in South East England.

                                              My future cottage (wishful thinking)

                                                     Check out the sheep sculptures

                                                   Sea views from a cottage window

                                                       Stunning views of the solent
The Island hosts annual festivals including the Isle of Wight international jazz festival, Bestival and the recently revived Isle of Wight festival which in 1970 was the largest rock music event ever held.

Gill and I opted for lunch in a quaint little café next door to Blossoms, it was such a beautiful day we sat outside and watched the world go by.

What could be better than a cream tea, delicious sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and homemade strawberry jam and chunky slices of homemade Victoria sponge and lemon drizzle cake.

                                                                  Feeling replete!

                                                          A perfect location

Beach holidays were very much part of my own childhood, living in London we would go to the 'seaside' frequently throughout the summer. The car would be packed with buckets and spades, blankets and towels and of course the thing most synonymous with the seaside: a huge picnic basket. Show me a child who doesn't love building sandcastles, splashing around in the sea and eating sandy sandwiches and ice cream! Sandwiches are perfect picnic fodder and nowadays we can store them in our picnic cool boxes. Traditionally egg sandwiches were almost compulsory on a picnic, a well made egg and cress sandwich remains my firm favourite for both taste and nostalgic reasons. My more modern take but equally delicious favourite is beef and gherkin. Throw in a couple of homemade pork pies, a large homemade cake and a flask of tea and I'm one very happy lady!

                                   Homemade pork pies from Yarmouth's delicatessen

A perfect egg and cress sandwich

Per sandwich
1-2 large free range eggs
2 slices of bread from a plain square white loaf
2 tablespoons full fat mayonnaise
1 tablespoon salad cream
A handful of cress
Salt and pepper
A knob of butter

Put eggs in a pan of cold water and bring to the boil, simmer for 10-12 minutes
Drain and cool under running water, shell and rinse the eggs
In a bowl, mash eggs roughly with a fork
Stir in mayonnaise and salad cream, season to taste
Snip in a large handful of cress and mix well
Butter bread and cover 1 slice with a nice thick layer of egg mixture
Top with other slice of bread
Use a sharp knife to cut away crusts then cut into either 4 triangles or 3 rectangular finger sandwiches

Beef and gherkin sandwich

Per sandwich
1 slice roast beef
4 small cornichons, finely sliced
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon English mustard
2 slices white or wholemeal bread
Knob of butter

Spread butter on 1 slice of bread
Place slice of roast beef on top

Spread mustard over beef

Add mayonnaise and combine with mustard
Add sliced cornichons and season with salt and pepper
Place second slice of bread on top and cut in half

'Too few people understand a really good sandwich.'
- James Beard

'Play in the sand; splash in the water; get dirty and wet. The beach is the only place mummy doesn't mind me doing that stuff. I love the beach!'
-Dixie Dykens (age 5)

Love Donna xxxxxxx

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