
Thursday 19 June 2014

Lovin' Dublin Debacle


                                        'To blog or not to blog, that is the question.'

Yesterday twitter went into meltdown over an article written by Niall Harbison, blogger and site founder of 'Lovin' Dublin'.

The blog is made up of a team of individuals who review restaurants, post recipes and generally want to make Dublin a better city, it's a great blog!

However, Harbison wrote a derogatory piece whilst dining in Mourne Seafood restaurant regarding local youths who were bridge jumping, thus taking the piece into political waters (no pun intended.)

There is a new term being bandied about regarding us becoming 'oversharers' this refers to increasing numbers of us turning to social media to share our innermost thoughts. The implication being that because we are fed on a diet of X Factor sob stories, Jeremy Kyle style confessionals and celebrities discussing their personal lives, we have succumbed to putting our views and personal problems in the public domain.

Whether we be a blogger, facebooker, twitter or instagram user, we're all putting ourselves out there, some more benignly than others, most of us apply great caution to the image we want to present.

I don't agree with the outrage shown toward Harbison and I find it rather ironic that the people who have taken umbrage are by turn behaving in the very manner they claim to have been affronted by. I have seen comments on social media where people claim to be 'defending' a person or ideal by way of attacking and besmirching another person without seeing the irony, social media is a breeding ground for sanctimonious hypocrites!

But that's the way it works, we see a comment on social media we don't like and we react in a way we wouldn't under normal circumstances. I have had personal experience of this, a throwaway comment about a trivial issue which face to face wouldn't have mattered a jot can be blown out of all proportion, a lifelong friendship destroyed at the touch of a button.

As a food blogger I try to tread with caution regarding my opinions, however, my blog is anecdotal and my personal opinions do weave their way into my posts, I would be bored silly just posting endless recipes! Harbison may make for controversial reading but life is controversial!

Let's face it we watch the X Factor to see fame hungry, vulnerable people exposed, we love Simon Cowell because he is caustic and unkind. We read newspapers not for the articles on how to grow begonias, but to see the dirt dished on celebrities. If we are all such wonderful, righteous human beings why do we glorify the likes of Jeremy Kyle and Simon Cowell, yet lambast Harbison?

So, more a rant than a recipe today! Which ties in nicely with my wine review (I need a glass after that outburst) I'm no more a wine connoisseur than a professional cook, however, I have spent many years drinking red wine so I have developed a bit of a nose (not of the Karl Malden variety.)

Wine expert Matthew Jukes has selected the 100 best value summer red wines for the Daily Mail, now, not that I doubt his expertise, I feel I should test them for myself and for the purposes of my's a dirty job but someone has to do it!

First up: 2012 La Umbra Merlot, Dealurile Munteniel, Romania £6.49 Waitrose
Described as a full bodied wine with a delicate aroma of juicy plums, forest fruits and cherries, it has received 5 star reviews, Jukes says: ' This is a scrummy, plummy merlot with easy-going blackberry flavours.'
I loved this wine and it did fulfil its promise, it was smooth and plummy and very glugable.

Next up: 2013 Toro Loco, Tempranillo, Utiel-Requena, Spain £3.79 Aldi
This wine has received lots of press, a panel of experts has named this wine as one of the world's best! Jukes says: 'This new vintage of 'Crazy Bull' is delicious and the best cheeky cheapie of the year!'
To find a wine under a fiver that delivers smooth, velvety, strawberries, redcurrants and black cherries is a winner for me, I'm never without a bottle or two!

Oh well, two down-ninety eight to go!

'Social networking is about building people up in your network, NOT tearing them down.'
-Tasha Turner

You are what you tweet
Love Donna xxxxx

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