
Friday 7 March 2014

The Gift Box

Yesterday was a rather propitious day. My friend Linda had booked a cream tea for us (as you'll know from my previous post) the sun was shining and on arrival at Linda's shop I found both Linda and her husband Kim being interviewed by a newspaper reporter.

Linda and kim own the 'Gift Box' in Emsworth and the reporter was there to write an article about their shop. Never one to look a 'gift' horse (excuse the pun)) in the mouth, I took the opportunity to speak to the reporter about my blog, well they say fortune favours the bold! Linda and Kim took my exuberance in their stride, knowing me as they do as someone who inadvertently tends to steal the thunder in most situations.

Anyway, my intrusion aside, the reporter was at the Gift Box because it is a little curiosity shop of treasures nestled within the fishing village of Emsworth, and small businesses like this are newsworthy due to their quaintness and uniqueness!

I'm a great advocate of supporting small businesses where possible, be it the high street (which is in a state of decline) or a trip to a village such as Emsworth, or a farmers market. Unfortunately shopping centres, industrial estates and online shopping have taken away the personal touch which you will find in a shop such as the gift box. I needed a birthday card for my niece and linda's daughter (who works in the shop) knew the content of every 'niece' card, saving me the task of reading my way through dozens of cards. I also needed a gift and was shown a wide selection of possibilities, so much so I was spoilt for choice!

                                              The proud owners: Kim and Linda

Card, gift and some irresistible soy scented candles purchased, Linda and I set off for our cream tea. Several hours later and a few pounds heavier!  I returned home not particularly relishing the thought of cooking! Fortunately I had my reserve of cooked beef brisket in the fridge (see post: slow cooked beef brisket) all that was required was some reheating. However, the meat definitely required some added sauce as the original sauce had been absorbed into the meat, this is the benefit of a stew, the flavours are always richer the next day! As the meat was already cooked I wanted some vegetables that would only require a short period of cooking time, what better then than a ratatouille. A ratatouille is quick and easy and actually is lovely served with some pasta and cheese as a vegetarian option, an ideal mid week supper when you're short of time!


2 tbsp olive oil
2 onions, finely sliced
4 garlic cloves, crushed
2 peppers, sliced
4 large, or a handful of small, ripe tomatoes, roughly chopped
2 tsp herbes de provence

Preheat oven 200c/gas mark 6
Heat olive oil in a pan, add onions and cook for 5 minutes until softened
Add garlic, peppers, tomatoes and herbs, lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes (if cooking to eat with pasta for example, simmer for 30 minutes)
Combine ratatouille with meat in an ovenproof dish

Top with mashed potatoes

Place in the oven and cook for 40 minutes

Serve onto warm plates and enjoy!

'Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true.'
-Charles Dickens

Love Donna xxxxxxx

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