
Monday 3 March 2014

Action Makes More Fortune Than Caution!

Some of you will already know me from the food blog 'Two Mad Cows In The Kitchen' see which I have co-written with a friend for the past year. My friend suggested we start a blog, (at which time I didn't even know what a blog was!) Well, the concept appealed to me and with slight trepidation (on my part) we hit the ground running and within a short period of time sharing recipes and stories via our blog became a huge source of pleasure to me.

Within the last year my life has taken a few twists and turns. For several years I had worked in special needs education but following a short illness decided to re evaluate my life. Therefore embarking on our blog was rather timely and proved to be very therapeutic as it involved the two things I love most, cooking and writing.

I was amazed that anyone would be interested in following my recipes or reading about the vagaries of my life, however, we acquired an international audience and I soon became hooked on the response and interaction with our readers.

Whilst my life became more 'time' rich, my co 'mad cow' was juggling work commitments, travel, looking after a child and was also in the process of moving home. We conceded that the blog was an extra commitment that quite frankly she didn't have time for, so here I am going it alone!

We had chosen the title 'Two Mad Cows' as it was quirky and sort of summed us up, however, it was ill conceived given a Google search would take you to 'mad cow disease' and 'anthrax'! Similarly my choice of using my nickname 'Angel' as opposed to my birth name 'Donna' caused some confusion.

So here I am, quite simply 'Donna in my pink kitchen' hoping to continue in very much the same vein as before, sharing recipes and stories and hopefully continuing to entertain and interact with my readers!

I hope that my comment section works, we previously had problems which we never got around to addressing. I have started a Facebook page

'My kitchen looks like the one from my childhood-very homey, with a little bit of Alice in wonderland!'
-Paris Hilton

Love from a very excited and slightly nervous
Donna xxxxxxxx

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