
Wednesday 12 March 2014

Lust For Life.

                                   Delicious lamb rashers with a greek style salad

As I said yesterday I love being in Spain! The Spanish are sometimes mocked for their 'mañana' attitude, personally I think we have a lot to learn from their lifestyle. Far from being lazy the Spanish work hard, at a different pace maybe, however, they know how to enjoy life and always make time for the 'paseo' an evening stroll which in the village of Jacarilla sees our quiet village become a hive of activity. Villagers will go for a walk stopping to chat to one another in the park, on the street or over a drink and tapas in a cafe. Village communities are often very relaxed, everything is closer, families are less dispersed, children are loved and tolerated and collectively people spend time outdoors at every opportunity mingling with family and friends.

Our next door neighbours are British, however, they have lived in Spain for some years and have thoroughly embraced the Spanish way of life. Tony does much of the cooking and always invites Glenn and I for a meal when we are over there, our last visit two weeks ago saw some gloriously sunny days but chillier evenings. So we made our 'paseo' around the village (stopping every two seconds for Tony and Sue to speak to all their neighbouring friends) we all had an aperitivo and made our way back for our meal, which due to the temperature we ate indoors.

Tony is a man after my own heart when it comes to cooking and on this occasion had prepared some lamb breast. Although this doesn't look the most appetising cut of meat due to lots of fat and ribs, it is a cheap cut of meat which is very flavoursome and like pork belly has become very much the 'meat du jour' in posh restaurants and gastro pubs.

Served with a fresh salad and good wine this economical meal is definitely one I would recommend for either a dinner with friends or as an alternative to a Sunday roast.

                                                The host with the most!

Lamb rashers

Serves 6
1kg breast of lamb
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven 160c/gas mark 2
Place lamb onto a roasting tray and season
Roast in oven for 2 hours 30 minutes

Remove lamb and while still warm, pull the bones away from the flesh
Lay the cooked meat between two baking trays weighing the top one down with something heavy
Chill in the fridge overnight

When ready to cook your lamb the next day, slice into thin rashers
Place under a medium grill until golden and crisp

Serve with your chosen salad

'How can I expect readers to know who I am if I do not tell them about my family, my friends, the relationships in my life? Who am I if not where I fit in the world, where I fit in the lives of the people dear to me?'
-Rabi Alameddine

                                                  Tony serenading Sue

Love Donna xxxxxxx

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