
Wednesday 28 May 2014

Pie Making

                                     Steak and mushroom pie with a puff pastry lid

I ate the above pie whilst in Spain recently, not a particularly common dish but whenever it appears on a menu del dia I can't resist. You see a good quality pie is the ultimate in comfort food, the delicious contrast between crisp, buttery, golden pastry and succulent, savoury filling is unbeatable.

Apart from the comfort aspect, pies are versatile, simple to make and can make for a very economical meal. Angela Boggiano an esteemed cook and food writer says: 'who could not love someone who pulls a steaming, golden, bubbling homemade pie out of the oven.'

Shop bought pies cannot compare with a homemade labour of love. Not since Sweeny Todd has there been such uncertainty about what goes into processed meat, at the cheap end of the market we know that horse meat has been switched for beef and that's probably the least of our worries!

As Boggiano says: 'I think its a whole lot cheaper to make your own pie, great for using up leftover meat from the roast which gives an extra meal from one joint.'

Well, I went one further, I always have leftover ingredients when I make a roast, as well you know from my hotchpotch pies, so I made a Sunday roast dinner pie.

Sunday roast dinner pie

Recipe for shortcrust pastry
200g plain flour
100g butter, cubed
2-3 tablespoons very cold water
Pinch of salt
(Makes approx 300g pastry)

Place the flour, butter and salt in bowl
Rub the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs
Add the water and using a knife stir until dough binds together
Wrap the dough in clingfilm and chill for a minimum of 15 minutes

When you are ready to prepare your pie, ensure all your precooked ingredients are cold otherwise they will melt the pastry

Layer a pie dish with sliced chicken or meat and vegetables

Add gravy and fresh stock (made from carcass of chicken)
Roll out pastry on a clean, floured surface

Place pastry on top of pie ingredients

Brush pastry with egg wash
Place in a preheated oven 200c/gas 6 for 25 minutes or until golden

The obvious accompaniment for pie is soft buttery mashed potatoes and lashings of gravy or liquor, the ultimate comfort food. Jersey royals are currently in season, doused in butter, salt and pepper, these too make a perfect match, although my family like pie served with homemade chunky chips.

'It could be argued that there is an element of entertainment in every pie, as every pie is inherently a surprise by virtue of its crust.'
-Janet Clarkson

It's as easy as pie!
Love Donna xxxxxxx

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