
Friday 23 May 2014

Andes Cruise Ship

                                My father and Lady Wall aboard the Andes cruise ship

Food, music and scent can evoke memories. Whenever barbecue season is upon us I recall my father's one and only experience of a typical English back garden barbecue which was hosted by his friend who had the rather unusual nickname 'boy boy'.

Boy boy was of course by that time a man so his name always puzzled me, but I'm digressing! Anyhow, my father tucked into a chicken leg which underneath the charred skin was decidedly raw, he was ill for a couple of days and never ate at another barbecue in his life.

My father came from very humble beginnings, he lived with his parents and siblings in a small council house and was put to work at the age of fourteen. His first job was working in the co op where he delivered groceries to wealthy customers, he would cycle for several miles with boxes of groceries perched on the back of his bike. One customer saw the potential in my father and before he was twenty years old he was employed as a chauffeur to a certain Sir Roland Wall.

A whole new world was opened up to my father, he saw how the other half lived. My father's strong work ethic coupled with his personable demeanour were greatly appreciated by Sir Roland, before long my father had rooms in Sir Roland's country residence and would accompany him there, sometimes for several days at a time.

When I was about three years old my father accompanied Sir Roland and Lady Wall on a cruise. They sailed on the Andes which was regarded as one of the finest passenger ships of her time. The Andes had carved a niche for herself as a floating club for the very rich, being Britain's only premier, first class only cruise liner.

My father took it all in his stride, in fact he barely spoke of his trip to the west Indies, but I imagine sailing on that deluxe ship, eating in the exquisite restaurant and hobnobbing with extremely rich people was very exciting for a young man from a South London working class background.

From those humble beginnings my father did what was deemed quite unusual at that time for a working class man, he bought a house, our family home, named 'Dalmellington'. My father was a well read, artistic man with an acerbic wit, and although we often clashed due to our similar personalities, I loved him dearly.

I often outwardly ignored or rebelled against my father's advice, (although secretly I took it all on board) after the chicken incident I was warned umpteen times by by father never to eat chicken from a barbecue. Well, unbeknownst to him I always heeded his advice. If you are barbecuing chicken I would advise you pre cook it in the oven for 20 minutes beforehand.

BBQ chicken

12 pieces of chicken, I combine drumsticks and thighs
2 tablespoons clear honey
Small piece of ginger, peeled and grated
2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
2 teaspoons Chinese five spice
2 teaspoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons orange marmalade
Zest of 1 orange, grated
1 tablespoon sesame oil

Place chicken in a large bowl
Mix all of the marinade ingredients and pour over the chicken, cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight
Preheat oven 200c/gas 6
Transfer to a roasting tray (I line mine with greaseproof paper)
Cook for 50 minutes, turning occasionally and basting with the marinade and juices
Eat while hot, sticky and golden, also nice cold for picnics

While your chicken is cooking throw in a tray of potatoes

When the potatoes are cooked cut them open and top with fried onions and butter
Season well, I like to add cayenne pepper for an extra kick

'I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.'
-Umberto Eco

Love Donna xxxxx

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