
Saturday 10 May 2014

Healthy Desserts

Further to my post: 'dying from diabetes' I've been doing some research into sugar and why it has become such a danger to us. The sugar industry is financially and politically very powerful, it's a multi million pound industry that the government won't regulate, it seems the powers that be aren't interested in our health but are extremely interested in profit! Of course now we are seeing the backlash and diabetes is costing the NHS 14 million pounds a year, suddenly the government are sitting up and taking an interest because our health is hurting their pockets.

The problem is we are now a society addicted to sugar, cupcakes, cake pops, sprinkles.......sugary treats are big business, yet there is absolutely no role for added sugar to be part of a balanced diet. I like dessert as much as the next person but I think we have to wise up and set an example to the next generation, we owe it to our children not to leave them this legacy of diabetes and cardiovascular disease!

As with any addiction it's all about the craving, when you want a bar of chocolate or an ice cream little else will do. So what's the alternative? Fruit is the obvious choice but an apple doesn't quite measure up to sticky toffee pudding, however, there are ways of transforming fruits into desserts that are not too laden in sugar and certainly when I was a child most of my mother's homemade desserts involved fruit.

Dark chocolate, 70% cacao or higher and 100% organic actually has a number of health benefits, it's full of antioxidants and high in vitamins and minerals. Unlike other chocolate it is not loaded with refined sugar, artificial flavours or sweetners. I love strong dark chocolate but it is an acquired taste, paired with bananas it's divine so give my banana bites a go, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!

Banana bites

2 bananas
1 bar 70% cacao chocolate
Sea salt (optional)

Slice bananas and place on a tray, freeze for at least 1 hour
Melt chocolate in a bain marie or microwave

Dip banana pieces in chocolate and sprinkle with sea salt
Place in freezer to allow chocolate to set
Remove from freezer 10 minutes before eating

'Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands.........and then eat just one of the pieces'
-Judith Viorst

Love Donna xxxxx

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