
Wednesday 3 February 2016

Gym Junkies.

The good news is: evidence is firmly in place regarding the health benefits of red wine!

Resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, helps to remove chemicals from the body responsible for causing blot clots, which is the primary cause of coronary disease, added to which, studies revealed that those who drink a glass of red wine a day are less likely to develop dementia, diabetes and even cancer.

Recent studies conclude that Resveratrol was also seen to improve physical performance, heart function and muscle strength in the same way as they're improved after a gym session! Incredibly good news if you abhor gyms as I do.

These days everyone seems to be gym junkies, forget a brisk walk, a bike ride or doing a few laps in the pool, everyone's pumping iron and working out with their personal trainer. Personally I can't think of anything worse, most gyms smell like a tyre plant with white noise blaring from speakers and the shower rooms are breeding grounds for bacteria, added to which,  I just can't stand the whole elite athlete/ benign masochist vibe.

I guess we can all look at ways to promote our health, but as the old Dave Allen joke used to go: 'I've given up smoking, drinking and eating red meat, I may not live longer but it'll certainly feel like it.' I don't want to spend a moment of my life in a sweaty, stuffy gym by the same premise.

It would be wonderful to replace the gym with red wine, however, the recommendation is 1 glass a day with at least 30 minutes of physical activity such as a brisk walk. This combination seems to work very well for Spaniards, large consumers of red wine, Spaniards are also keen walkers as it is seen as a social activity. I recently met a gentleman in his 80s taking a post prandial stroll, he told me that since a young man he has always had a glass of red wine every day and had cycled and walked regularly, naturally, he has eaten a typical Mediterranean diet including lots of fish, vegetables and olive oil, needless to say, he's never been in a gym.

Along with my daily glass of red wine I have made a conscious effort to have a meal of fresh vegetables at least twice a week, no meat, no carbohydrates, just lots of lovely fresh seasoned vegetables. If this is your main meal of the day you could indulge in some grilled fish or chicken to accompany your vegetables.

Vegetable medley

3 large leeks
A large handful of peas (fresh or frozen)
A large bunch of spinach
Olive oil
Sea Salt and black pepper

Trim leeks then cut through vertically, fan the leeks out and rinse under cold water to remove any hidden dirt

Chop leeks into roughly 1 inch pieces
Place a frying pan over a medium heat, add a splash of olive oil to cover the surface of the pan
Add leeks and season, turn the heat down to low and let them cook gently for 5 minutes

Stir in spinach and peas, once the spinach has wilted and the peas are tender, pile onto a warm plate (you could sprinkle with some Parmesan cheese for extra flavour)

Enjoy with a nice glass of red wine.

'Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages.'
- Louis Pasteur.

Love Donna xxxxxxxx

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