
Thursday 30 July 2015

My Masterchef

Like mother, like son, Bert taking photos of a dish he had in French Restaurant Pastis.

They say that parents directly or indirectly influence their children's food preferences and that from the time solid foods are introduced, children's food preferences are developed. 

Bert and I recently discussed this over a delicious lunch which he had prepared for us both. Maybe it was the fact that for the first eight years of Bert's life, when I was a single mum, I didn't cook separate meals for he and I, consequently Bert ate what I ate. Being on a budget meant we subsisted on lots of pasta dishes with homemade sauces made with fresh vegetables, garlic and herbs, I wouldn't have conceived of buying anything ready made as it wouldn't have been cost effective. Turkey dinosaurs, oven chips, McDonald's and even shop bought pizza were never part of Bert's diet, unless he went to a friends house for tea.

I also involved Bert from a young age in helping in the kitchen, simple tasks like stirring and pouring and baking cakes meant he became connected to the food he was eating. Consequently, he was one of only two boys in his class who chose food technology as a subject at senior school, at which he thrived.

When Bert was very young I hosted foreign students as a means of income and very often received kind letters from the children's parents remarking on how well their children had been fed, apparently quite often not the case amongst other students. I prided myself on cooking homemade nutrious meals on a budget. 

When Bert was a teenager he dabbled with junk food, he went through a fast food phase, but I think it's true to say, when you have been brought up on quality food, not food doused in artificial flavour enhancers but real 'flavours', you crave quality in the same way junk food eaters crave junk.

I think food also defines friendships, like myself, Bert is drawn to people who see food as a means of socialising, we are not of the eat to live brigade, we live to eat. Bert has no interest in sitting in a crowded fast food restaurant and necking a burger in quick speed time, any more than I do, we don't see food as a pit stop, the more leisurely and sociable the meal, the better. 

On his recent travels Bert and his like minded friends sampled some delicious dishes

                                                      Foie gras, not to everyone's taste!

                                                                    Carparccio beef

                                                               Duck confit

                                                                    Rack of lamb

Bert quite often buys ingredients and rustles up delicious meals for us, and for me, more important than his culinary skills, is the fact that he takes the time and care to cook us a meal. For centuries mothers have prepared food for their families as an act of love, we can all relate to simple dishes like boiled egg and soldiers or chicken soup being lovingly served to us by our mums when we have been unwell and the comfort these gave us, cooking is an act of love. Bert surprised me with this delicious lunch of beech and oak Scottish smoked salmon on toasted bagels topped with poached eggs and homemade Bearnaise sauce, the flavours were sublime.

Smoked salmon bagels

100g responsibly sourced smoked salmon
4 free range eggs
2 bagels

Bearnaise sauce
1tbsp white wine vinegar 
1 tbsp water
3 black peppercorns
1tbsp chopped tarragon, fresh tarragon is preferably but you can use dried
1 large egg yolk
75g butter, melted
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Place the vinegar, water, peppercorns and tarragon into a small saucepan over a medium heat and simmer until you have half a tablespoon of liquid remaining

Remove peppercorns and set aside
Place egg yolk and vinegar reduction into a food processor and blend until light and frothy
With the food processor still running on its slowest speed, add the melted butter, 1 spoonful at a time, until the sauce is thick and smooth
season to taste

Place thin slices of smoked salmon on toasted bagels

         Bert drizzled balsamic vinegar on the plates which was a delicious accompaniment

Add poached eggs and Bearnaise sauce

And enjoy! 

                                        Bert (behind) with some of his foodie friends

'Food is for eating and good food is to be enjoyed.......I think food is, actually, very beautiful in itself.'
- Delia Smith. 

Love Donna xxxxxxxx

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