
Tuesday 24 March 2015


        These cows were incredibly friendly and came to be stroked, beautiful creatures

It's official #meatfreeweek as I said in yesterdays post and given the response to my post quite a lot of you are getting involved.

My foodie friend Tony, a passionate meat lover, has given up meat for lent and has been meat free for 44 days. Other friends and readers have sent me recipes which they will be eating this week and another friend shared my post which helps to spread the word!

There is no question that having more of a plant based diet and eating less meat, is the key to a longer, healthier life, it's better for the planet and of course for our animals.

Daniel Nowland, Jamie Oliver's in-house expert on all things food and farming related writes: 'In 2015 we are in a place where many people are comfortable eating meat. The way it is presented, pre-packed, processed, reformed etc, makes the act of purchasing it no different to buying any other 'commodity' ie toilet rolls or a packet of biscuits. Having worked in an abattoir it is hard not to make eye contact with these sentient beings, to look into the eyes of a majestic, gentle beast, knowing it has minutes of its life left to live.'

I make no apologies for banging on about factory farming, I dislike the hypocrisy that we are 'a nation of animal lovers' who love our pets unconditionally, yet have no regard for the welfare of the animals we eat.

Clarrie, another regular contributor to this blog and a meat-eater with a conscience, sent me her recipe for last nights dinner. Bubble and squeak has been around since the 1800s, an amalgamation of leftovers usually vegetables and any roasted meat leftover from Sundays dinner. As Clarrie points out, this is a delicious, filling dish that doesn't need meat. I shall be making this tonight and serving it with a large dollop of HP sauce.

Clarrie's bubble & squeak

600g mixed vegetables, use your favourites ie carrots, swede, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, cabbage............
2 knobs of butter
Salt and pepper

Peel and trim all the vegetables and cut into even size pieces
Boil vegetables for 10 minutes
In a large frying pan heat a lug of olive oil and butter
Add vegetables, season well with salt and pepper (you could add dried herbs and chilli flakes)
Stir continuously, mashing the vegetables up as you go, cook until the vegetables form a lovely golden crust around the edges
Keep folding the crispy bits back in and repeat the process for 15 minutes

Serve while piping hot and enjoy

'The question is not "can they reason?" nor, "can they talk?" But can they suffer!'
- Jeremy Bentham

Love Donna xxxxxxx

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