
Saturday 12 April 2014

Death By Trans Fats

I have always eaten butter having never liked the taste of any of the margarine alternatives. However, we've been led to believe that butter is bad for us and the market has been swamped with spreads which claim to 'taste like butter' or are low fat, leading us to believe they are healthier.

Butter is a dairy product made by churning cream or milk, it is a good source of vitamin A and has been eaten for centuries. Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys, however, it killed the turkeys which was probably due to the fact that this unnatural concoction is extremely high in trans-fats! Trans-fats triples the risk of heart disease, increases cholesterol, increases the risk of cancer up to five times, decreases the immune system and insulin response!

Margarine, my dear people, is one molecule away from being plastic and shares 27 ingredients with paint!

You can conduct your own experiment, leave an opened tub of margarine outside in a dry, shady area and you will find after a couple of days it won't start to go off, it won't smell differently; because it has no nutritional value nothing will grow on it, and perhaps most shocking of all, no flies will touch it!

The problem is, as you rush to throw your tub of 'luverly jubberly buttery' away, that many of our foods contain trans and hydrogenated fats. White bread is highly processed and contains varying amounts of hydrogenated oils, pre prepared meals are loaded with hydrogenated oils, frozen meals and frozen pizzas, most ice cream and fast food are all loaded with hydrogenated oils!

At the risk of sounding dramatic, we are like lambs to the slaughter, sleepwalking our way into ill health by eating processed food! Quite often, and quite recently, I ponder on whether it is really worth writing a food blog, after all I'm not a professional chef or a celebrity, just a middle aged suburban housewife with some rather lofty opinions. But my passion has thus far overruled my self doubt and I hope those of you following find food Information, as well as recipes, interesting.

One of my favourite poems as a child was 'The King's breakfast' by A A Milne, do google it it's just fabulous!

'Foods high in bad fats, sugar and chemicals are directly linked to many negative emotions and behaviours, whereas whole, natural foods such as fruit, vegetables, grains and legumes-contribute to greater energy and positive emotions.'
-Marilu Henner

Love Donna xxxx

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